Quality and Food Safety
Moyvalley Meats is an EU approved facility licensed to process bovine and ovine species. Please see a copy of our approval certificate.
Moyvalley Meats takes food safety very seriously.
We use highly advanced procedures in our approved facilities. We adhere strictly to hygiene, quality and veterinary controls. As a result, we produce the tender, high quality meat that our customers deserve.
Our strict standards are maintained through continuous co-operation with government and industry bodies.
A dedicated Quality Control team in Moyvalley Meats monitors all aspects of the safety and quality of our beef and lamb. We also monitor every aspect of production – from the welfare of the live animal to the packing of meat in the boning hall. We are fully committed to the development and continual improvement of our processes.
Moyvalley Meats complies with all relevant European and Irish legislation. We follow strict hygiene procedures to ensure the safety of all our products and we have a comprehensive quality management system.
The system covers areas such as:
- HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)
- Raw material sourcing
- Supplier evaluation
- Process control
- Finished product testing
- Product traceability
- Training and internal auditing
To ensure the integrity of our quality management system, we undergo an annual independent audit against the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standard for Food Safety. This is regarded as the benchmark for best practice in the food industry. We currently hold Grade A accreditation against the standard.
Moyvalley Meats is a member of Ireland’s Bord Bia Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme (MPQAS), an integrated scheme involving the farmer, Moyvalley Meats and participating customers. Our central role in the scheme ensures that cattle are purchased from approved farmers. At the same time, it ensures our products do not lose quality during subsequent handling, storage and dispatch.
We are audited against the MPQAS standard by an independent body every 18 months.
Please see a copy of our current certificate.